شماره سیستم خودمختار 30740 : EXA-NETWORKS (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

🖥 شماره سیستم خودمختار 30740 : EXA-NETWORKS (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

شماره سیستم خودمختار: AS30740 توسط آژانس EXA-NETWORKS تحت نام United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland مدیریت می‌شود و محتوای خاص را می‌توانید در جزئیات زیر بیابید. این داده در تاریخ: 2024-11-23T19:11:57 به‌روزرسانی شد

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GB) IP Address
IP شبکه - AS30740
محدوده آدرس: AS30740
نام شبکه: EXA-NETWORKS
مناسبت ها: ثبتآخرین تغییر
نام کلاس: autnum
تعریف نشده: Exa Networks Limited
100 Bolton road
United Kingdom
AS42 (peer) Packet Clearing House
AS174 (transit) Cogent
AS286 (transit) KPN
AS714 (peer) Apple Inc
AS786 (peer) Ukerna
AS1126 (peer) Sara
AS1200 (peer) AMS-IX
AS1267 (peer) Wind.it
AS1290 (peer) PSI - Telstra
AS2119 (peer) Telenor
AS2484 (peer) AFNIC
AS2486 (peer) AFNIC
AS2529 (peer) Thus / Demon
AS2603 (peer) NORDUnet
AS2686 (peer) ATT
AS2818 (peer) BBC
AS2906 (peer) Netflix
AS3209 (peer) Vodafone
AS3213 (peer) Bogons
AS3223 (peer) Voxility
AS3262 (peer) Sarenet
AS3267 (peer) RUNNet
AS3292 (peer) TDC Tele Danmark
AS3333 (peer) RIPE NCC
AS3741 (peer) Internet Solutions
AS3856 (peer) Packet Clearing House
AS4589 (peer) Easynet Global Services
AS4651 (peer) CAT TELECOM
AS4788 (peer) TMnet
AS5089 (peer) NTL Internet
AS5390 (peer) Orange Nederland Breedband BV
AS5410 (peer) T-Online France / Club-Internet
AS5413 (peer) Pipex
AS5503 (peer) RM
AS5524 (peer) Breedband Nederland B.V.
AS5552 (peer) Redstone / Dialnet
AS5580 (peer) Atrato IP Networks
AS5588 (peer) GTS Central Europe
AS5607 (peer) BSkyB Broadband
AS5631 (peer) Vital Group
AS6067 (peer) Onyx
AS6327 (peer) Shaw Cablesystems
AS6507 (peer) Riot Games
AS6661 (peer) P&T Internet Luxembourg
AS6667 (peer) Elisa Corporation
AS6677 (peer) Siminn hf - Iceland Telecom Ltd
AS6717 (peer) Internet Central Limited
AS6724 (peer) STRATO AG
AS6730 (peer) Sunrise
AS6735 (peer) SDT
AS6805 (peer) Telephonica
AS6871 (peer) PlusNet
AS6894 (peer) KDDI Europe
AS6939 (transit) Hurricane Electric
AS7342 (peer) Verisign
AS8001 (peer) Net Access Corp
AS8075 (peer) Microsoft
AS8330 (peer) LONAP
AS8365 (peer) MANDA
AS8368 (peer) Belgian Network Solutions
AS8422 (peer) Netcologne
AS8426 (peer) Claranet
AS8468 (peer) Entanet
AS8473 (peer) Bahnhof AB
AS8550 (peer) LONAP route server
AS8553 (peer) Avensys
AS8560 (peer) 1 and 1
AS8607 (peer) Timico
AS8613 (peer) Phoenix
AS8657 (peer) PT Comunicacoes
AS8674 (peer) Netnod
AS8681 (peer) Jersey Telecom
AS8708 (peer) RCS & RDS
AS8714 (peer) IXMANCHESTER route server
AS8781 (peer) Qatar Telecom
AS8838 (peer) Stripe21
AS8851 (peer) Inweb
AS8897 (peer) Mistral
AS8916 (peer) Portfast Ltd.
AS8943 (peer) Jump Networks
AS8966 (peer) Emirates Internet Exchange
AS9002 (peer) ReTN
AS9009 (peer) GlobalAXS Communications
AS9044 (peer) SolNet
AS9143 (peer) AtHome Benelux BV
AS9145 (peer) EWE TEL GmbH
AS9153 (peer) Burstfire
AS9318 (peer) Hanaro Telecom
AS9505 (peer) TWGate
AS10310 (peer) Yahoo!
AS11666 (peer) Nexicom
AS12008 (peer) Neustar UltraDNS
AS12041 (peer) Afilias
AS12189 (peer) PhoenixNAP
AS12306 (peer) Plus.line
AS12327 (peer) idear4business interantional LTD
AS12390 (peer) Kingston
AS12399 (peer) ScanPlus
AS12414 (peer) Solcon
AS12496 (peer) IDNET
AS12552 (peer) IP Only
AS12576 (peer) EE
AS12703 (peer) Lumison
AS12713 (peer) OTEGlobe
AS12715 (peer) Jazz Telecom
AS12859 (peer) BIT bv
AS12874 (peer) Fastweb
AS12902 (peer) Luna.nl BV
AS12989 (peer) Eweka Internet Services
AS13005 (peer) C2 Internet
AS13030 (peer) Init Seven AG
AS13037 (peer) Zen Internet
AS13122 (peer) Manx Telecom
AS13213 (peer) Uk2Net
AS13285 (peer) Opal Telecom
AS13335 (peer) CloudFlare
AS13445 (peer) WebEx Communications
AS13768 (peer) Peer1 Network
AS14413 (peer) LinkedIn
AS14492 (peer) DataPipe
AS15133 (peer) Edgecast Network Inc
AS15169 (peer) Google
AS15435 (peer) CAIW Netwerken B.V.
AS15516 (peer) Dansk KabelTV A/S
AS15542 (peer) ZeelandNet BV
AS15557 (peer) Neuf Cegetel SFR
AS15598 (peer) IP Exchange GmbH
AS15692 (peer) Razorblue Ltd
AS15766 (peer) Domicilium
AS15773 (peer) Inclarity
AS15830 (peer) TelecityGroup
AS15988 (peer) Akhter
AS16082 (peer) Spitfire
AS16243 (peer) Virtu Secure Services BV
AS16265 (peer) LeaseWeb
AS16276 (peer) OVH
AS16298 (peer) InterBox Internet
AS16353 (peer) Merula
AS16509 (peer) Amazon
AS18106 (peer) VQBN Inc.
AS19151 (peer) BroadbandONE
AS20495 (peer) We Dare BV
AS20504 (peer) RTL Nederland Interactief BV
AS20562 (peer) Open Peering
AS20634 (peer) Liechtenstein Telenet AG
AS20712 (peer) Andrews & Arnolds Ltd
AS20718 (peer) Arsys
AS20738 (peer) Webfusion
AS20799 (peer) Datanet
AS20940 (peer) Akamai
AS20953 (peer) info.nl
AS21099 (peer) Game Digital
AS21263 (peer) TeleData Friedrichshafen GmbH
AS21321 (peer) Netuity Networks Inc
AS21371 (peer) Equinix
AS21396 (peer) NetConnex
AS21478 (peer) Plex Elektronische Informatie BV
AS23148 (peer) Terremark
AS24586 (peer) Intermax bv
AS24594 (peer) Frontier Systems Ltd
AS24642 (peer) Caveo Internet BV
AS24724 (peer) ATM SA
AS24793 (peer) NLHosting
AS24851 (peer) NetCetera
AS24875 (peer) ISP-Services BV
AS24916 (peer) Orbital
AS24931 (peer) Dedipower
AS25061 (peer) Associated Networks
AS25151 (peer) Cyso Managed Hosting
AS25178 (peer) Keycom PLC
AS25180 (peer) Exponential-E
AS25310 (peer) Bulldog/Cable&Wireless
AS25369 (peer) KillerCreation Networks
AS25376 (peer) Netnorth Limited
AS25459 (peer) NedZone Internet BV
AS25542 (peer) Denit Internet Services BV
AS25562 (peer) Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
AS25577 (peer) C4L
AS28685 (peer) RoutIT BV
AS28717 (peer) Zen Systems
AS28757 (peer) Scotnet.co.uk Ltd
AS28788 (peer) Unilogic Networks B.V.
AS28836 (peer) IC&S BV
AS28878 (peer) Signet BV
AS29006 (peer) POBOX
AS29009 (peer) UK Broadband
AS29017 (peer) Gyron
AS29073 (peer) Ecatel LTD
AS29075 (peer) IELO
AS29131 (peer) Rapid Switch
AS29141 (peer) Bradler & Krantz GmbH & Co. KG
AS29169 (peer) Gandi
AS29208 (peer) Dial Telecom
AS29396 (peer) Unet BV
AS29527 (peer) Othello Technology Systems Ltd
AS29550 (peer) PoundHost
AS29636 (peer) Catalyst2
AS29668 (peer) Qubenet
AS29791 (peer) Voxel
AS30132 (peer) Internet Systems Consortium
AS30781 (peer) Jaguar Network
AS30844 (peer) Econet Carrier Services
AS30914 (peer) Ioko
AS31122 (peer) Digiweb
AS31383 (peer) Computel Standby BV
AS31463 (peer) 4D Data Centres
AS31477 (peer) Duocast
AS31500 (peer) Global Network Managment Ltd
AS31529 (peer) DENIC eG
AS31661 (peer) ComX Networks
AS31708 (peer) CoreIX Limited
AS31715 (peer) Netrino
AS31727 (peer) Node 4
AS32787 (peer) Prolexic
AS32934 (peer) Facebook
AS33891 (peer) Core-Backbone GmbH
AS33920 (peer) AQL
AS33941 (peer) Gconnect
AS33968 (peer) HostingUK
AS34066 (peer) Telappliant
AS34224 (peer) Neterra
AS34245 (peer) Magnet IE
AS34270 (peer) Internet Connections
AS34288 (peer) Kantonsschule Zug
AS34305 (peer) Base IP B.V.
AS34309 (peer) Link11 GmbH
AS34442 (peer) Xifos Limited
AS34555 (peer) C.C.S. (Leeds) Ltd
AS34655 (peer) Jasmin Media Group
AS34695 (peer) E4A
AS34790 (peer) Waveworks
AS34803 (peer) Broadband Gibraltar Ltd
AS34968 (peer) iunxi BV
AS35228 (peer) Telefonica O2 Broadband - Be Unlimited
AS35332 (peer) DataWeb B.V.
AS35425 (peer) Bytemark Computer Consulting Ltd
AS35456 (peer) Fubra
AS35574 (peer) Lottomatica S.p.A.
AS35575 (peer) Vaioni
AS36408 (peer) CDNetworks (Panther Express
AS36692 (peer) OpenDNS, Inc.
AS37662 (peer) West Indian Ocean Cable Company
AS38082 (peer) TRUE International Gateway
AS38182 (peer) Extreme Broadband
AS39202 (peer) GCap Media
AS39326 (peer) Goscomb Technologies
AS39591 (peer) Global-e Datacenter BV
AS39637 (peer) Netlogics BV
AS39704 (peer) CJ2 Hosting & Development
AS39792 (peer) Anders Business Group
AS41095 (peer) Fredonia Trading Ltd
AS41103 (peer) ClearIP
AS41230 (peer) ASK4
AS41445 (peer) Net Ground BV
AS41692 (peer) OpenCarrier
AS41811 (peer) Convergence Group (Networks) Limited
AS42353 (peer) Simwood
AS42473 (peer) ANEXIA
AS42579 (peer) Sargasso Networks
AS42689 (peer) Inuk Networks
AS42708 (peer) Portlane Networks
AS42861 (peer) Prime-Line
AS42949 (peer) Eatserver
AS42973 (peer) Metronet UK Ltd
AS43013 (peer) York Data Services
AS43350 (peer) NFOrce Entertainment BV
AS43996 (peer) Booking.com
AS44009 (peer) Sleek Networks
AS44050 (peer) PIN
AS44444 (peer) Websense
AS44654 (peer) Media Network Services
AS44684 (peer) Mythic Beasts
AS44788 (peer) Criteo Europe
AS45037 (peer) Hispaweb Network
AS46489 (peer) Justin.tv
AS47195 (peer) Gameforge Productions GmbH
AS47264 (peer) Ping Networks
AS47480 (peer) Blue Tiger Solutions
AS47622 (peer) Datatech UK Ltd
AS47999 (peer) Transversal
AS48961 (peer) Warwicknet
AS49375 (peer) Trunk Networks
AS49544 (peer) Interactive 3D
AS49562 (peer) Xtra Media Services
AS50056 (peer) Ai Networks Ltd
AS50292 (peer) StratoGen Internet
AS50683 (peer) Internet 2 Business
AS51088 (peer) A2B Internet BV
AS51406 (peer) 2Connect
AS51526 (peer) IXLeeds Collector
AS51945 (peer) ConnetU Ltd
AS56595 (peer) Fluency Communications Ltd
AS57932 (peer) IXLeeds route server
AS57976 (peer) Blizzard Entertainment
AS61337 (peer) Ecom International Network
AS134390 (peer) AusRegistry
AS198781 (peer) G3 Comms Ltd
AS199121 (peer) Flexoptix GmbH
Customer allowed actions
65000 : LOCATION Do not announce
65001 : LOCATION Prepend one time
65002 : LOCATION Prepend two times
65004 : LOCATION Prepend four times
Route Information
30740 : LOCATION Route learned via LOCATION
LOCATION can be :
* a Location Macro
65002 Peering
65003 Transit
65004 Customer
* an ASN of a customer or transit provider
transit transit@exa-networks.co.uk
peering peering@exa-networks.co.uk
report spam abuse@exa-networks.co.uk
security issues irt@exa-networks.co.uk (IRT-EXA)
other IP matters noc@exa-networks.co.uk
Last updated 20160630 09:56:56
اطلاعیه ها:
فیلتر شده: This output has been filtered.
گزارش عدم دقت Whois: This output has been filtered.
If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit:
https://www.ripe.net/contact-form?topic=ripe_dbm&show_form=true ( عدم دقت - گزارش )
منبع: This output has been filtered.
If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit:
Objects returned came from source
شرایط و ضوابط: This output has been filtered.
If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit:
Objects returned came from source
This is the RIPE Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format.
http://www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf ( شرایط استفاده از خدمات )
وضعیت: فعال
پیوندها: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/autnum/30740 ( خود )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
سرور Whois: whois.ripe.net
انطباق: nro_rdap_profile_asn_flat_0, cidr0, rdap_level_0, nro_rdap_profile_0, redacted

entity- EXA-DBM-MNT
رسیدگی: EXA-DBM-MNT
نقش‌ها: ثبت نام کننده
پیوندها: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/EXA-DBM-MNT ( خود )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
نسخه: 4.0
نوع: شخصی

entity- EXA-RIPE
رسیدگی: EXA-RIPE
نقش‌ها: اداری, فنی
پیوندها: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/EXA-RIPE ( خود )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
نسخه: 4.0
نام: Exa Networks Maintainer
نوع: گروه
نشانی: Exa Networks 100 Bolton Road BD1 4DE Bradford UK
تلفن: +44 1274 567 646
پست الکترونیکی: abuse@exa-networks.co.uk

entity- ORG-ENL3-RIPE
رسیدگی: ORG-ENL3-RIPE
نقش‌ها: ثبت نام کننده
پیوندها: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/ORG-ENL3-RIPE ( خود )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
نسخه: 4.0
نام: Exa Networks Limited
نوع: سازمان
نشانی: 100 Bolton road BD1 4DE Bradford UNITED KINGDOM
تلفن: +44 1274 911 855

نقش‌ها: ثبت نام کننده
پیوندها: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/RIPE-NCC-END-MNT ( خود )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
نسخه: 4.0
نوع: شخصی

entity- AR17639-RIPE
رسیدگی: AR17639-RIPE
نقش‌ها: سو استفاده کردن
نسخه: 4.0
نام: Abuse-C Role
نوع: گروه
نشانی: Exa Networks Limited Thomas Mangin 100 Bolton Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 4DE UNITED KINGDOM
پست الکترونیکی: abuse@exa-networks.co.uk
موجودیت ها:
رسیدگی: EXA-MNT
نقش‌ها: ثبت نام کننده
پیوندها: https://rdap.db.ripe.net/entity/EXA-MNT ( خود )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
نام کلاس: entity
نسخه: 4.0
نام: EXA-MNT
نوع: شخصی

🖥 بخش IP موجود در شماره مستقل AS30740

شماره سیستم خودمختار زیر است: بخش آدرس IP موجود در AS30740، شامل IP شروع، و تعداد IP ها در هر بخش.

شبکه شروع IP پایان IP تعداد IP 1024 65536

📚 ASN دیدگاه
